Wednesday, October 5, 2011

matching jewelry

This pattern was in an issue of Beadwork last year, and though I rarely do projects straight out of magazines, I thought, what a great idea! I want to do that! So I even ordered some beads especially for this project, and made one in blue black and green--Megamind colors (have I already blogged about this?). The center beadwork around the cabochon (a shimmerstone I made) is a little different from in the magazine, as is the method of attaching it to the 'wings' but all in all, it's the same design. I wish I could have met Mikki at the B&B show to show her, but oh well. I emailed her instead.
I had leftover beads, so I took the beading pattern of the ribs on the 'wings' and did it with tubular peyote instead of flat, andit turned out to be the exact right size to hold a 1ml vial of perfume! The little tube on the side of the cap does have to be cut off, but still.


Jenny Baughan said...

I'm glad to see you posting here again. That necklace is awesome. You're like, a beading genius. :)

Shirley said...

How stinkin' cute is that? What talent! I would've never thought about the pattern in that way. That's just what makes me so happy to be on blogger, to see all the awesome talent out there. Thanks so much for sharing!

EMackk said...

Those are really cool! I love your beaded beads - where might I find them? I've never had a beading talent - my stuff either comes out too matchymatchy like a child did it or too chaotic and patternless. :)

Kim Cavender said...

Bright, you are VERY talented! EMackk, I think there's a link to Bright Circle's artfire shop on the home page of this blog. I hope she has the beaded beads for sale there :-)

Kim Cavender said...

Bright Circle, I just noticed that there is NO link on this blog to your Artfire shop. People are trying to find you!
Here you go, EMackk:

EMackk said...

Rock on Kim, thanks for the link! Hey BC - come back to THIS blog! Your talent is awesome - you should show us some more!

Gothicreations said...

Nice to see you blogging about your beading again. You should do this more often. I don't have the patience for working with small beads.
I agree with another commenter that you need to update your blog with your artfire info. Does artfire have widgets for blogs?

Bright Circle said...

Everyone, thank you for the kind comments! I am so encouraged to post more on this blog.
EMack, yes I sell my beaded beads, on
Only a few are up but I have 60+ of them and am working on getting them up. I shall have to post a special on the beads so you can see.

EMackk said...

Oh please do! The whole beaded beads and making almost a fabric from them like you do (like with the dog tags and such) is just so cool! :D

Kim Cavender said...

Did I hear the word "special" mentioned? There's one I have my eye on so I'll check back for the details :-)

EMackk said...

Please come back to this blog, leave that other one alone. Show us more of these cool talents you have - leave the rage behind you and come be positive! You have incredible talent - I wants to learn more about this beading!