Monday, August 9, 2010

Thank You Courtney!

Courtney of Beads By Breul named The Beaded Passion as one of her top blogs! Thank you Courtney!
Here are the rules: 
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3.  Pass the award along to 15 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous
4.  Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award!

Ok, seven things about myself. 
1. Even though we all love to talk about ourselves and I'm no exception, I have difficulty coming up with lists like this on command--my semi-clever sound bites of self-description scatter like roaches trying to screw in a light bulb.
2. Having become a byword on certain internet forums, I've had a small taste of what it is to be famous.
3. I'm good at conversing with people of different age ranges, but not good at figuring out how old they are. I think it's because I was raised outside the school system that segregates people according to age.
4. For me, working out is a pleasure, not a chore, though I'm still no model of fitness.
5. I want a herkimer 'diamond' engagement ring and a wedding band tattooed onto my finger, but I don't expect to get married.
6. I cannot function without a 3x5 inch notebook/pad of paper with me at all times. This may be a sign I could use a PDA?
7. Despite #1, making lists is one of my favourite things to do.

Blogs: I'll bend the rules on this one a little--one or two of these I've been eyeing for years, and one or two would be not interested in/too busy for a meme like this, but here goes:
(of suicidal vacuum cleaners and espresso-scented madness)
(one of the most clever beaders on Etsy)
(where every necklace tells the story of a girl)
(the inner workings of the mind behind 'The Blue Sword')
(He calls himself 'just a geek' but I call him 'the Godfather of Geek')

These others I have most recently discovered, and though I haven't been reading them long enough to come up with clever descriptions, they each held my interest--a rare feat, for I'm super-picky about blogs.


Cynthia Newcomer Daniel said...

Thank you for choosing me!!!! I'm looking forward to scoping out your faves.



Lacy said...

Thanks for choosing me as one of the blogs!

bukesova180 said...

Thank you for choosing my blog.

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Thank you so much for including my little old blog in your list, cheers, T, :)